Early in 2003, a group of Camp Hill residents met with Doug Morrow, the borough mayor, to deal with historical artifacts that were in his office. The Historical Society of Camp Hill is the outcome of that meeting.
Among those meeting with the mayor were Nead Miller, Christian Siebert, Ed Ochs and Dorsey Fry.
On the 7th day of October 2003, society became a reality with the adoption of by-laws. Initial members listed in the by-laws are Joseph Metro, Bob Landis, Paul Hawbecker, Ed Ochs, Reed Ernst, (John C.) Chuck Traub, Gayle Diehl, Natalie Klee, Nead Miller, Jinny Springen, Mary Duggan, Lois Shirk, Christine Rathbone and Wayne Yost. W. Reed Ernst II signed the by-laws as incorporator.
The HSCH is a non-profit educational and historic organization dedicated to the preservation and interpretation of the Borough of Camp Hill and its history, landmarks and artifacts.